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The Butterfly Garden Nursery


At Eshowe Butterfly Dome, we offer a dedicated nursery exclusively for butterfly plants, particularly those challenging to find in indigenous nurseries. Explore the list below to identify the plants needed for your butterfly garden and the specific butterflies you aim to attract.

We facilitate propagation and offer delivery options, either in trays of 200 units or potted. Please note that my bakkie has a fixed capacity; thus, during my monthly visit to Ballito, KZN, priority will be given to pre-orders. Any remaining space will be filled with popular butterfly plants for on-site purchases.


For your convenience, we provide the following delivery options:

1. Online Purchase:  Place your order by emailing or sending a WhatsApp message to 0634219000. We use PUDO (The Courier Guy) for delivery, and if a nearby to your area PUDO outlet is available, we'll dispatch your order there. Charges include packaging and shipping. Plants are removed from pots, with roots wrapped in wet tissue paper and placed in a plastic bag, all enclosed in a box or tube. Payment can be made via EFT.


2. Ballito Pickup (Monthly Visit):  Meet us in Ballito during my monthly visit to deliver your order.  A small nominal fee to cover transportation. Payment options: card, EFT, or cash.


3. Home Delivery: We offer direct delivery to your location, with transport charges based on R4/km from Eshowe, KZN. Payment methods accepted: card, EFT, or cash.


4. Butterfly Garden Nursery Pickup: Visit The Butterfly Garden Nursery at Eshowe Butterfly Dome to personally collect your order. Payment options: card, EFT, or cash.

Ordering options include selecting items from the available list or requesting a specific plant species. If stock is insufficient, we can propagate for you, and you can collect your order when ready. Feel free to inquire about obtaining a particular plant species, and we'll confirm its availability for propagation and supply.



We offer three purchasing options:

1. Pre-order:  Instruct us to propagate a specific plant species in the desired quantities. A deposit equivalent to 1/3 of the invoice is required, with the balance to be paid before delivery.

2. Regular order: The plants are readily available at our nursery. Payment is required in advance prior to delivery.

3. Purchase on site:  Buy directly from our display during the monthly visit to Ballito or at The Butterfly Garden Nursery at Eshowe Butterfly Dome.


NEXT VISIT TO BALLITO:  SATURDAY 3rd FEBRUARY 2024 9:00AM at parking area of Lifestyle Centre


 List of butterfly nectar plants available for sale at the moment (22 January 2024)






Forest Pink Hibiscus

(Hibiscus pedunculatus)

A tall perennial herb, reaching up to 2m. Suitable as a backdrop for nectar garden, requiring semi-shade or sun. Swallowtails are very attracted to them.

  All year-around  R40

African Mallow

(Anisodontia elegans)

A short shrub of about 1,5 -1,0m with profuse blooms, requiring full sun. Excellent for a nectar garden.

 All year-around  R40


(Pentas lanceolata)

Opt for the red variety, attracting Swallowtails and Whites.

 All year around  R40

White Wild Pentas

(Pentas micrantha)

A biennial shrublet, 0.5 to 1m in height.

 All year around  R40

Paper Plume

(Justicia betonica)

A large shrub that should be spaced well due to its eventual size. Attracts carpenter bees, wasps, butterflies, and sunbirds.

 All year-around  R40

Veld Justicia

(Justicia protracta)

A profusely blooming forb, mainly attracting Whites.

 All year-around R40 

Wild Impatiens

(Impatiens hochstetteri)

Requires deep shade and ample water, but susceptible to hawk moth caterpillars.

 All year-around  R40

Golden Daisy Bush

(Euryops pectinatus)

This shrub reaches up to 1.5 m in height, featuring soft, grey-green foliage and vibrant yellow daisy flowers.

 All year-around  R40

Wild Heliotrop

(Linzia glabra)

A strong-growing perennial with masses of mauve paintbrush-like flowers.

 Late summer, autumn R40 

Canary Creeper

(Senecio tamoides)

Fast-growing vine; provide support like a trellis arch.

 March to July R30 

Lowveld Tree Vernonia

(Gymnanthemum coloratum)

Large scrambling shrub/small tree, profuse bloomer, attracting pollinators.

 Autumn, winter R50 

Bush Violet

(Barleria obtusa)

Among autumn's most attractive flowers, serving as both host and nectar plant with violet or pink blooms.

 Late summer, autumn R40 


False Buck-weed

(Peristrophe cernua)

Keep it short and plant it on a hot sunny area.

 March to September R20 

Cat’s Whiskers

(Ocimum obovatum)

Plants are herbaceous perennials, typically under 300 mm tall, with white to pale mauve flowers.

 Spring, summer R30 

Leadwort, Plumbago

(Plumbago auriculata)

Scrambling shrub, 3m x 3m, attracts Swallowtails and Tigers, and hosts Common Blue butterflies. Choose the sky-blue form.

 November to May  







Bushveld White Ironwood

(Vepris reflexa

A relatively small tree that requires very little water. Plant it on a sunny spot. It bears small orange fruits very sought after by birds.

Mocker Swallowtails,

Shade Swallowtails,

Narrow Green-banded Swallowtails, Citrus Swallowtails.


Tree Climbing Nettle

 (Urera trinervis)

A climber. Plant it next to a tree to climb. It can be planted on a sunny spot or semishade. 

Dusky Telchinia,

Dusky-venied Telchinia

and even Variable Diadems.


 Slender Pycnostachys

(Pycnostachys reticulata)


Large shrub up to 2m. Blooms during autumn and winter.

Gaudy Commodores,

Garden Commodores,

Dead-leaf Commodore


 Herero Spur Flower

(Plectranthus hereroensis)

 Gaudy Commodores,

Garden Commodores,

Dead-leaf Commodore


  Wild Purslane

(Portulaca quadrifida)

 Common Diadems  R40

 Forest Bell-Bush

(Mackaya bella)

 Dark Blue Pansy R40 

 River Nettle (a non-stinging variety)

(Laportea peduncularis)

 Common Diadems,

Dusky Telchinia


 Veld Violet

(Ruellia cordata)

 Mother of Pearls,

Brown Pansies,

Yellow Pansies,

Soldier Pansies


 Purple Bells

(Dyschoriste thunbergiiflora)

 Mother of Pearls,

Brown Pansies,

Yellow Pansies,

Soldier Pansies


 Bushveld Ribbon Flower

(Dyschoriste rogersii)

 Mother of Pearls,

Brown Pansies,

Yellow Pansies,

Soldier Pansies


 Creeping Foxglove

(Asystasia gangetica)

 Dark Blue Pansy,

Common Diadems.


 Lamark's Ehrharta

(Ehrharta erecta)

 Soft grass, spreading mainly by seeds. Requires semishade area

  The "Browns"  R20

 Basket Grass

(Oplismenus hirtellus)

A more robust grass,  shade area

  "The Browns"  R20

 Dwarf Forest Grass

(Psedechinolaea polystachya)

A small version of Basquet Grass. Shade to semi-shade areas

  "The Browns"  

 Climbing Flat-bean

(Dalvergia obovata).


Excellent to create a natural canopy structure upon which other climbers can follow.


 Large R70

Small R30

Forest Flase Nettle

(Alcalypha glabrata)


Lovely small tree of 2-3m tall.



Large R120

Medium R60

Small R30 


Any question, please do not hesitate to contact  063 421 9000 (WhatsApp or call) or email  at