I provide a consultancy service with the goal of educating people about the need of protecting the local indigenous forest in order to protect the biodiversity of the environment.
Among the services I offer are:
1- constructing butterfly habitats (butterfly gardens and butterfly exhibits) for educational or commercial use.
2- conducting invertebrates and butterfly courses .
3- providing butterfly watching opportunities in certain parts of KwaZulu-Natal
4- assisting environmental specialists with butterfly surveys.
For the wildlife gardens, I additionally offer the following items:
1- Eco-rocks
2- Nectar plants and host plants for butterflies
Américo Néstor Bonkewitzz, Ph.D
Zoologist and Biologist. Americo studied Licenciature in Biology at Universidad Nacional del Sur in Bahia Blanca, Argentina and then earned his doctorate in Zoology at University of Natal (now University of KwaZulu-Natal) in Pietermaritzburg. He established Biological Application Software in 1994 developing expert systems, among them the Black Fly Control of the Orange River for the Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute. In late 1990 he estarted butterfly farming using the indigenous species, targeting particularly the breeding of the Emperor Swallowtail. In 2007 carried out several butterfly surveys in KwaZulu-Natal, in particular the extensive butterfly survey of Mkhondeni-Mpushini area in Pietermaritzburg contracted by G. Nicholson CC. In 2010 he got involved in a butterfly project with African Conservation Trust establishing four large butterfly domes. In 2013 was contracted by African Insight to carry on invertebrate modules. Later on, from 2015 onward, run several butterfly training courses and invertebrate modules for Bhejani Nature Training.recently started to produce Eco Rocks, a faux rock that connects all animals of the ecosystem.